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High Performance Colorado Owner Builder Support + Resources

High Performance Colorado Contractor + Owner Builder Support + Consultation

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Real builders with real past experience. For owner builders, let us shepherd you through the journey of building your dream home. For contractors, let us solve your most challenging problems and complex details.

Whether you’re working within a modest budget or aiming to meet the stringent, energy-efficient standards of a Passive House, Building supporters is here to fully support you.

Owner Builders: In today’s dynamic homebuilding landscape, an increasing number of custom homes are masterfully crafted by owner/builders (1 in 10) — chart your own course with us as your trusted advisor, and bring your dream home into reality. Think of us as your personal home-building mentors. Our approach includes in-person site visits to ensure progress is aligned with your vision, as well as to identify and resolve any issues. In essence, you lead the project; we illuminate the path.

Contractors: Reduce callbacks, cut expenses, and builder faster/better with personalized support tailored to your exact needs. From commercial to residential, Building Supporters can provide oversight services to save you both time and money.

The high performance building inspection professionals for all building standards: PHI + PIHUS Passive House, Living Building Challenge, EnergyStar, NetZero, LEED, and more. Building Supporters takes guidance from common manufacturer installation guidelines, high-performance building excellence standards, and International Building Code (IBC, IECC, IFGC, IPC, IgCC, IPSDC, ISPSC, ICCPC, WUIC, IRC, IFC, IMC, and more). Detailed construction reporting provided at each phase documenting building defects.

Save Money + Gain Expertise

owner builder construction of a house

The standard industry practice is for home builders and general contractors to apply a markup ranging from 15-30%. This means that for a $300,000 home, a 25% markup could cost you an additional $75,000+. Building Supporters on the other hand, offers comprehensive building support service at very competitive 1-3% fee.

However, we do more than just save you money; we become your unbiased ally, focusing solely on your needs and best interests. While many hired builders prioritize their own financial gain, often at the expense of the home’s quality and longevity, our goal is to provide you with a home that surpasses your dreams in both excellence and durability. We’re on a mission to bridge the gap between your vision and its execution, ensuring that your investment results in a home that is built to last.

Not to mention, hired builders often exploit a homeowner’s limited knowledge, but with us by your side, you’re armed with an unparalleled level of expertise and insight. We possess a deep understanding that exceeds that of many of the world-class builders and architects today, particularly in areas of advanced passive house construction and building science. This means that not only are you saving considerable amounts of money, but you’re also benefiting from an elevated standard of education and quality assurance. In an industry where knowledge is power, we equip you with the insights and tools necessary to make informed decisions, ensuring your dream home is built with the utmost integrity and craftsmanship.

How we empower you

house top view during construction of owner buillder's house

We not only offer guidance on permits, scheduling, product ordering, and budgeting but empower you to make these decisions. You get to select suppliers, hire contractors, and purchase materials, all while enjoying peace of mind knowing that you have an expert ally at every step of the way.

Land Acquisition Analysis: We can meticulously evaluate the potential of your chosen land, taking into account critical factors such as site location, orientation, and other environmental influences that could impact the buildability and future livability of your property. Our comprehensive analysis culminates in a detailed report, designed to arm you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make informed decisions.

Plan Review: Today’s architect place the responsibility of building science on the builder, when they should be designing to solve things like: How to keep the rain out of the building, how to keep the air in and the air out, etc. Most don’t know how building envelopes will necessarily function in the real world. Building Supporters offers professional recommendations on how to make your building a more durable and better place to live. Our comprehensive plan review includes highlighter and expert notations, taking into account things such as: Long term maintenance cost considerations, energy/water/air/vapor management and building science durability pitfalls, comfort and accessibility, general architectural plan errors, and more.

Permit Navigation and Regulatory Compliance: We simplify the complex and time-consuming process of securing building permits across various municipalities, including Denver, Lakewood, Aurora, Boulder, among others.

All Phase Inspections: Construction oversight at every phase of the building, from start to finish. Your white glove consultant through the entire construction process, supporting you every single step of the way. All significant milestones of construction inspected and reported with expert guidance and defect documentation.

On-Demand Expertise + Support: Building Supporters will inspect and guide you through the most challenging building complexities (7 days a week): From R-80+ exterior insulation Passive House wall assembly details to flashing and fine-tuning high-performance tilt+turn quad pane windows in rain screen walls, and beyond. When you need answers or have questions, our building experts are here for you. Remember, we work for YOU! When you need the absolute truth about questionable subcontractor construction methods, billings or materials, we give you straight, honest answers, every time. No one cuts corners with our clients, period.

High-Performance Material + Installation Guidance: Many builders are not aware that significantly better building materials and installation methods exist. Building Supporters’ extensive knowledge of the building material industry alternatives and first-hand experience of in-field product failures and durability, can help you achieve a FAR better build quality. We give YOU the option to decide what is best for your investment. It’s ALL about the power of choices. For example: Consider housewrap: Most residential builders believe Tyvek® HomeWrap® with cap-staple installation is “good enough”, however, Building Supporters may recommend upgrading to the far superior, more durable, Tyvek® CommercialWrap® D, which is generally only pennies more.

For high-performance builds, where airtightness and world-class durability matter, Building Supporters may recommend a German-engineered self-adhering air- and water-resistive barrier such as DORKEN® DELTA®-VENT SA or a fluid-applied WRB such as Prosoco® Cat 5. Many superior building products and methods exist that can enhance and protect your investment, but it takes an ally like Building Supporters to educate and share the building industries’ best kept secrets.

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High performance owner builder / contractor support + pick and choose your add-ons and options:



Building Supporters: Colorado's Only High Performance Residential & Commercial Property Inspections + Building Problem Solving Specialists. 720-660-3121.

We cover a 75+ mile radius of Boulder: Same-day reports. Fully Insured. We inspect, report, and protect more. Save more money - way more. The difficult done immediately. The impossible takes a little longer. Miracles by appointment. Schedule today.

High Performance Colorado Pre-Delivery Final + 1-Year Builder's Warranty Home Inspection
High Performance Colorado Comprehensive Pre-Purchase Residential Home Inspections
High Performance Colorado New Construction Oversight - Residential + Commercial Phase Inspections
High Performance Colorado Pre-Listing Inspection
High Performance Colorado Foundation + Floor + Grading + Flat Roof Level Surveys
High Performance Colorado Septic Inspections