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High Performance Colorado New Construction Oversight - Residential + Commercial Phase Inspections

High Performance Colorado New Construction Oversight – Residential + Commercial Phase Inspections

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The best money you will ever spend while constructing a new house or commercial building. Period. Full stop. In an industry rife with shortcuts and compromise, your home or commercial building, deserves a champion who stands for nothing less than exceptional quality and enduring value.

Building Supporters takes a belt-and-suspenders approach to defend your right to a home built on principles of integrity, precision, and relentless pursuit of excellence.

We’re here to lead the charge against the pervasive culture of “good enough” that plagues the construction world.

Every building tells a story, and every detail reflects the commitment—or lack thereof—of those who bear the responsibility to bring it to life. Unfortunately, the narrative has been dominated by builders and city inspectors whose interests don’t align with yours. Their priorities—a quick turnaround, trimming expenses, meeting the bare minimum standards—are jeopardizing the safety, quality, and future integrity of your most significant investment.

Against this backdrop, we introduce a new chapter—one where comprehensive, high-performance new construction home and commercial building inspections protect and prioritize your interests. This isn’t just building; it’s a battle for excellence—and we’re on the front lines for you.

The high performance building inspection professionals for all building standards: PHI + PIHUS Passive House, Living Building Challenge, EnergyStar, NetZero, LEED, and more. Building Supporters takes guidance from common manufacturer installation guidelines, high-performance building excellence standards, and International Building Code (IBC, IECC, IFGC, IPC, IgCC, IPSDC, ISPSC, ICCPC, WUIC, IRC, IFC, IMC, and more). Detailed construction reporting provided at each phase documenting building defects.

Colorado's ONLY High Performance New Construction Inspection

Save MORE money: We protect, test and report MORE — Way More. 


Real Past Builders, Trades + Construction Geniuses/Enthusiasts With Real-World Experience: Spearheaded By Brian Cornwell + REAL experienced past builders, tradespeople and construction genius/enthusiast inspectors. Backed by Colorado’s highest training, hiring and education standards.

More certifications, memberships, and licenses than anyone else in Colorado:

Small Badges Building Supporters Certifications Memberships and Licenses Colorado

New Construction Inspections + Phase Oversight

Pre-Delivery Final Building Inspection: Our comprehensive, high performance building inspection performed when your new construction project is finished.
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Pre-Pour Inspection: Occurs before slab and footings are poured. (Foundation footings form work and rebar sizing and placement, site compaction testing, basement/slab rigid insulation, vapor barrier location and sealing, plumbing, electrical, radon, termite flashing (when applicable), excavated beams, post-tensioned cable systems, drainage, and more)
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Pre-Drywall Inspection: Occurs after rough-ins have been completed but before drywall is installed. (Framing and structure (roof to foundation), plumbing, electrical, HVAC, Window, door and exterior building penetration flashing and sealing, weather resistive barrier/housewrap, fireblocking/firestop protection, thermal envelope and interior air-barrier, sprinkler system and more)
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Weatherization, Window/Door and Pre Siding Inspection: Occurs after windows, doors and WRB (weather barrier/housewrap) are installed, but before siding is installed. (Window and door flashing/installation, exterior building penetration flashing and sealing, weather resistive barrier/housewrap, and more)
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11-month or 1 Year Builder’s Warranty Home Inspection: Occurs before your builder’s home warranty expires and gives you the opportunity to catch your builder’s problems, before they ultimately become your problems.
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On-Demand Support Per Hour: Building Supporters will inspect and guide you through the most challenging building complexities (7 days a week): From R-80+ exterior insulation Passive House wall assembly details to flashing and fine-tuning high-performance tilt+turn quad pane windows in rain screen walls, and beyond. When you need answers or have questions, our building specialists are here for you. Remember, we work for YOU, not your builders or trades pocketbook! When you need the absolute truth about questionable builder or trade construction methods or materials, we give you straight, honest answers, every time. No one cuts corners with our clients, period.
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(We also offer) Contractor + Owner Builder Support + Consultation: Learn more here.
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How Builders Can Fail You

In today’s construction and home building, there’s a significant discrepancy between what builders promise and what is actually delivered to their clients. What looks good on the outside, may be plagued with problems on the inside.

• Many builders and tradespeople capitalize on the general lack of knowledge clients have about construction processes and materials. This knowledge gap allows them to make substitutions with cheaper, lower-quality materials without the client knowing the difference. For example, opting for a lower-grade house wrap instead of a high-performance option like Delta Vent SA can have significant long-term repercussions on the durability and energy efficiency of the home, even though it saves cost in the immediate sense.

• The construction industry is marked by a startling gap in education and a failure to stay abreast of innovations in building science. This isn’t just about not knowing; it’s about a reluctance to learn and adapt. Many builders stick to outdated methods and materials because “that’s how it’s always been done,” disregarding the evolving research and technology that could prevent future problems and enhance the longevity and efficiency of buildings. You wouldn’t believe how many times we’ve heard, “But I’ve done it this way 1000 times with no issues, ever.” There’s builders who are spray-foaming the historic brick buildings and argue there will never be problems, because they’ve done it a 1000x times already. Yet, building forensics has revealed spray foam will eventually cause every single one of these structures to fail within a few years.

• Most builders do not construct homes to the highest possible standards, such as Passive House or Net Zero. The reason isn’t always nefarious; it’s often due to a mixture of ignorance, time pressure, and cost considerations. However, the result is homes that are far less efficient and durable than they could be. Builders know even the most poorly-built homes will generally not exhibit issues immediately but are far more likely to present significant problems after the warranty period expires, leaving homeowners to bear the brunt of repair costs.

• Building a home or commercial property involves managing a vast number of moving parts, from coordinating with dozens of subcontractors to sourcing and integrating over 100,000 physical components. Mistakes are, to some extent, inevitable, but the frequency and severity of these errors could be significantly mitigated with more rigorous oversight from Building Supporter’s high performance inspection service.

• The current trade shortage exacerbates challenges, forcing builders to work with whoever is available, regardless of the quality of their craftsmanship. This not only affects the immediate construction phase but also the overall longevity and integrity of homes and commercial properties.

• The pressure to complete projects rapidly (many as fast as 3-6 months), often means there’s insufficient time dedicated to ensuring everything is done correctly. This rush can lead to homes with hidden defects, such as moisture intrusion or structural weaknesses, which may not be apparent until years later.

• The ambition to grow and expand operations can lead to overextension, with builders taking on more projects than they can effectively manage. This dilution of attention and resources means individual projects may not receive the care and oversight they require, further increasing the risk of substandard work.

How Municipal Inspectors Can Fail You

The often overlooked truth about municipal building inspectors is that their primary directive isn’t necessarily aligned with the highest standards of construction quality or innovation. Instead, their main focus lies in upholding the minimum standards outlined by the building codes, which primarily cover immediate safety concerns.

This approach, while important for basic safety, inherently sets the bar at what could be considered the lowest acceptable standard. This means that aspects of construction that carry significant long-term implications, such as the engineering design, foundation integrity, soil conditions, and the correct application of structural fill, may not receive the detailed attention they require during a municipal inspection. These are elements with high liability risks, potentially leading to severe consequences down the line if not properly addressed.

Why is this the case? Think about it: The municipal inspector’s role is primarily to prevent immediate dangers to the occupants of a building. Therefore, their inspection checklists are attuned to identifying risks that could lead to catastrophic outcomes like electrical shocks, fire hazards, and gas leaks. While these are, without a doubt, critical safety concerns that need to be rigorously checked, this focus can mean that other, equally important, aspects of building quality and long-term safety are not covered in their assessments.

The reality is, these inspectors are often stretched thin, managing extensive caseloads with limited time to dedicate to each inspection. This strains their ability to dive deep into the more intricate aspects of building science and construction quality. Moreover, the fact remains that, in some cases, the commitment of these inspectors to go the extra mile — quite literally, beyond just stepping out of their vehicles — can be lacking.

How Architects Can Fail You

If architects did their job there wouldn’t be any need for building science”.

It’s true that even the most accomplished and “best” architects make mistakes. However, these are not just ordinary, accidental planning errors. In reality, many of today’s architects have strayed significantly from the crucial aspects of building performance, focusing almost entirely on aesthetic appeal.

A century ago, or even half a century, architects were trained more holistically, akin to master builders. They had a deep understanding of structural integrity, mechanical systems, physics, material science, and the interplay of these elements. This comprehensive education ensured that buildings were not just beautiful but also functional and durable.

Today’s architectural education leans heavily towards the artistic aspect, often neglecting the essential technical components. One critical omission in contemporary training is building science or building physics. This gap leaves architects ill-prepared to address fundamental issues such as ensuring proper moisture control, maintaining indoor air quality, and optimizing energy efficiency.

As a result, modern architects frequently delegate the responsibility of building science to builders. Yet, architects should inherently consider how to address practical problems like preventing water infiltration, managing indoor and outdoor air exchange, and ensuring the integrity of building envelopes in real-world conditions. Many lack the necessary knowledge to predict how building envelopes will perform over time, leading to potential issues in building longevity and occupant comfort.

Common Oversight Issues

We’ve seen it all and we tell it all: Even today’s brand-new multi-million dollar properties are often plagued with problems, regardless of the builder, architect or trade experience.

• Lack of best building science practices: Rainscreen capillary break missing for stone, stucco, and siding.
• ZIP sheathing flashing tape applied without rolling (adhesive bonding is dependent on applied pressure)
• Inadequate foundation waterproofing leading to basement moisture intrusion
• Improperly installed window flashing (sloped toward house) causing leaks and water damage
• Missing sill plate gasket (capillary break).
• Exhaust bathroom fan vent ductwork improper sloped. (condensation build up)
• Incorrectly sloped balconies and decks promoting water pooling and structural rot
• Leaking shower pans and disconnected tub jet piping
• Dryer and bath  exhaust vents with excessive elbows and length of run. (compromised performance)
• Faulty fire blocking and draft stopping in wall cavities compromising fire safety
• Plumbing vents terminated inside attics rather than extending through the roof, leading to moisture issues
• Inadequate structural requiring larger steel lintels to support the exterior brick.
• Improperly lapped housewrap, fastening and flashing tape sealing.
• Air conditioning systems matched with undersized compressors (5-ton coil matched to a 2-ton compressor)
• Inadequate roof sheathing and shingle installation requiring full roof replacement (re-roof).
• Substandard stairway construction not meeting code requirements for riser height and tread depth
• Malfunctioning sump pumps or lack of backup systems leading to basement flooding
• Exposed wall cavities due to upper roof walls being unfinished.
• Ineffective sealing around penetrations for electrical and plumbing fixtures causing air leakage.
• Improperly installed or missing vapor barriers in crawl spaces, leading to moisture problems
• Gas leaks, missing drip legs and unpainted threads
• Electrical hazards and significantly overheating wiring connections
• Over notched engineered lumber I-joists for mechanicals leading to diminished structural performance.
• Exterior grading sloped towards foundation
• Windows installed neither level nor square causing operation failure.
• Subpar and deficient materials that virtually guarantee failure.
• And so much more…

Building Supporters: Colorado's Only High Performance Residential & Commercial Property Inspections + Building Problem Solving Specialists. 720-660-3121.

We cover a 75+ mile radius of Boulder: Same-day reports. Fully Insured. We inspect, report, and protect more. Save more money - way more. The difficult done immediately. The impossible takes a little longer. Miracles by appointment. Schedule today.

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High Performance Colorado Pre-Delivery Final + 1-Year Builder's Warranty Home Inspection
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